Physinews: Enjoying a healthy diet on a regular basis not only helps the body function internally but can help it be at its best outwardly. For example, dry skin or brittle nails not only end up acting as a source of embarrassment for some but also may be indicators that underlying health issues are at hand.
However, it’s possible to correct such issues simply by eating foods that can help turn these conditions around.
For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, nails with a yellow tinge may mean that chronic bronchitis is affecting an individual. If there are indentations running horizontally on the nail, the issue can range from a zinc deficiency to pneumonia.(1)
It’s likely that the solution to help improve nails exists right in people’s own homes; foods known to boost overall nail health include pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans and flax seed oil.
(1) Of course, they’re good for the immune system too, helping the body function better.
When it comes to hair, many people often complain of it lacking luster, seeking more vibrance and “life.” Rather than turn to pricey shampoos likely laden with harmful chemicals, or trying the too-good-to-be-true infomercial products, there are other, more natural methods that can help.
Tara Sowlaty, a natural foods chef and registered health coach, says that eating more walnuts, lentils, spinach and sweet potatoes are great ways to keep scalp oils circulating and renewing hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, healthier-looking locks.
(2) Just like foods that help improve nail health, these foods too are healthy choices regardless of hair condition; regular consumption of them keeps the body functioning optimally.
Castor oil is another way to bolster hair health. It’s been drawing a great deal of attention lately, with many people noting that massaging it on the scalp and leaving it in the hair for just a few times a month amounts to not only increased hair growth but noticeably shiner strands as well.
However, it’s possible to correct such issues simply by eating foods that can help turn these conditions around.
For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, nails with a yellow tinge may mean that chronic bronchitis is affecting an individual. If there are indentations running horizontally on the nail, the issue can range from a zinc deficiency to pneumonia.(1)
It’s likely that the solution to help improve nails exists right in people’s own homes; foods known to boost overall nail health include pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans and flax seed oil.
(1) Of course, they’re good for the immune system too, helping the body function better.
When it comes to hair, many people often complain of it lacking luster, seeking more vibrance and “life.” Rather than turn to pricey shampoos likely laden with harmful chemicals, or trying the too-good-to-be-true infomercial products, there are other, more natural methods that can help.
Tara Sowlaty, a natural foods chef and registered health coach, says that eating more walnuts, lentils, spinach and sweet potatoes are great ways to keep scalp oils circulating and renewing hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, healthier-looking locks.
(2) Just like foods that help improve nail health, these foods too are healthy choices regardless of hair condition; regular consumption of them keeps the body functioning optimally.
Castor oil is another way to bolster hair health. It’s been drawing a great deal of attention lately, with many people noting that massaging it on the scalp and leaving it in the hair for just a few times a month amounts to not only increased hair growth but noticeably shiner strands as well.