‘ I Killed My Brother To Become Second Jesus Christ ’ (photo)

www.Physinews.com : Most men, who marry two wives, often become
used to their wives quarreling and fighting on a
daily basis. Sometimes, children of these wives
are caught up in emotional dilemma, unsure
whether to take side with their mum or step
mum. Many of them inevitably take side with
their mum.

The kids, most times, grow up hating one
another. Such a home is often fraught with cold
war, tension and hate. The husbands often
pray for divine wisdom on how to manage such
tension-filled homes.

But the family of Ogbonna Amegu, of Ndebor
Nchoko village, Igbeagu community, Izzi Local
Government Area of Ebonyi State, has never
experienced such traumatic situations. Indeed,
Amegu, who married two wives, said he, his
wives and 18 children, from both women, have
enjoyed a peaceful home and co-existence.

Amegu said: “The love in my family, and
between my two wives, is the envy of our

My wives are so close, that my second wife
named one of her children after my first wife.”

The peaceful coexistence and love in the family
was torn to shreds after an unfathomable
incident visited the family on September 9,
2016. One of Amegu’s sons, identified as
Ogobuchi Ogbonna Amegu, 25, from his first
wife, drowned his three-yearold- stepbrother,
Wisdom Ogbonna Amegu.

The action of Ogobuchi stunned his family and
community members. The action of Ogobuchi
was even more shocking, since he was the
closest among all the family members to little
Wisdom. It was gathered that Wisdom used to
tag along with Ogobuchi, whenever the latter
was going out.

People tried to make sense of the murder of the
three-year-old boy by his elder brother, but
failed. People even wondered if perhaps
Ogobuchi smoked Indian hemp, but close
examinations and questions, showed that he
was in his right senses. While being questioned
by members of the community and later the
police, Ogobuchi said that a voice repeatedly
told him to kill one of his stepbrothers if he
wanted to be the second Jesus Christ on earth,
a messiah of the world and famous.

Why he chose little Wisdom, described as his
‘best friend and pet,’ is yet unknown. There’s,
however, no doubt that the murder of his
brother, made him instantly famous. Ogobuchi
said: “I was relaxing in our house when I heard
the voice, telling me that I would become the
second Jesus Christ on earth; that I would be a
messiah if I killed one of my stepbrothers.

The voice said that if I refused to do it, I would
regret it.” On that fateful day, Ogobuchi lured
Wisdom to a nearby river, picked a big stone
and rope, tied the three-year-old to the stone
and calmly pushed him into the river. The boy
sank like lead. Ogobuchi returned home, to
continue with his normal daily activities, like
nothing happened.

When it was evening time, the family became
worried over Wisdom’s long absence from
home. Friends, relatives and neighbours said
he wasn’t in their homes. The family members
started searching for him, including Ogobuchi.
Soon, the family alerted every community
member. Several search parties were

Each party went to different directions, but all
returned with stories of failure. By the following
day, the mother of the boy was slowly going
crazy and Amegu was almost at his wits end,
unsure of the next step to take. They were in
this worried state when Ogobuchi called the
family together and dropped his bombshell.

Without mincing words, he told his family
members that he was responsible for the
disappearance of Wisdom. He told them that he
drowned Wisdom and promised to take them to
the scene of the crime. The family was stunned
into silence.

They initially thought Ogobuchi was playing
game with such a crazy confession and
sharply rebuked him, but he stuck to his story.

Amegu ran out, screaming for community
members to gather and listen to the narration of
his son, Ogobuchi. Every time Ogobuchi spewed
out his confession; gasps of shock, unbelief
and outraged greeted it.

The community members immediately ordered
Ogobuchi to lead them to where he ‘kept’
Wisdom. The boy’s corpse was later dragged
out from the river by divers. Further confessing
to members of the community, Ogobuchi said
he heard a loud voice, ordering him to do

He added: “The voice said that I shouldn’t
waste time in carrying out the instructions. I
looked around and saw Wisdom; I asked him to
follow me, so that we could bath in the river. He
followed me. When I got to the river, I looked
around and saw a stone; I picked the stone and
with the rope, tied him to the stone and pushed
him into the river.”

A devastated Amegu, said: “I married two wives
and have 18 children. My two wives have been
living peacefully and have never quarrelled or
fought since I married them. My children
emulated their mothers. They never had any
misunderstanding. So, I’m shocked over this
type of thing, especially since Wisdom was the
closest to Ogobuchi among all my children.
Devil has entered my family. I’m not happy at

When the enormity of his crime dawned on him,
Ogobuchi tried to feign being mentally
unbalanced, but Amegu, knocked off the idea.
Amegu said: “Ogobuchi is not mentally sick; he
is a healthy person. I wondered what made him
to do this type of thing. This has never
happened in the history of this community. This
is very strange.” The head of the community,
Chief Nwamage Uche, said that when Amegu
reported to him that his threeyear- old son was
missing, he quickly mobilised members of the
community. He said search parties were

They later heard about the dastardly action of
Ogobuchi. The Ebonyi State Police Public
Relations Officer (PPRO), a Deputy
Superintendent of Police (DSP), Mr. George
Okafor confirmed the incident. He said the
matter was first reported at the Iboko Police

Okafor said:

“The matter will be transferred to the State
Criminal Investigations Department (SCID) for
consolidation of the case.” It was further
gathered that autopsy has since been
conducted on the deceased while his remains
have been interred. During the burial last
Wednesday of little Wisdom, members of the
community broke down and wept

Ogobuchi was, last Wednesday, remanded by
an Abakaliki Magistrate’s Court. He was
arraigned on one count charge of murder.

The charge reads; “that you Ogobuchi Ogonna
Amegu, on September 9, 2016, at Ndiebor
Nchoko, Igbeagu Izzi in the Abakaliki
Magisterial District did unlawfully cause the
death of one Wisdom Ogonna Amegu and
thereby Committed an offence Punishable under
Section 319(1) of the Criminal Code, Cap 33:
Vol. 1. Laws of Ebonyi State of Nigeria 2009."

After the charge was read to Ogobuchi, the
presiding Magistrate, Nnachi Olughu, ordered
that the suspect be remanded in prison custody
till November 18, 2016.

The case file was transferred to the Directorate
of Public Prosecution (DPP), for comments.
Olughu said: “The accused person has no
counsel to represent him to enable him take his
pleas. This court hereby orders that he be
remanded in prison custody till November 18,

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